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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Link jobs on facebook to get paid...

Hi friends

If you join the microjob perhaps you also will like the CloudCorwd.

This is a great site to earn if you do the job properly.  You must be careful, because if not careful you'll likely get a bad reputation because you are in the reject task, Is better start with the simple jobs first  eg: find email addresses, review email addresses, classify websites.

CloudCrowd help companies reduce overhead, increase efficiency, and lower costs by breaking large projects into smaller tasks and distribute them through an online platform. CloudCrowd individuals offers a new way to earn money, gain recognition, and worked into the schedule is quite busy.

CloudCrowd will give you a commission for every task you do, the more tasks you can do through facebook account such as: website review, classify websites, edit documents, write video scripts. Commission for each task you are doing all kinds of $1 - $10.

Before you join, you must first have a facebook and paypal account (for receiving commissions), if you do not already have a paypal account, you can create a paypal account first. Or you can temporarily ignore it.(
Non min paid and because regardless of the value of your commissions, it will be paid the next day. Note: For the week of Monday morning and no payment, because the central office CloudCrowd holidays, so your payment will be delayed until Tuesday.)

Follow the steps below to begin joining the CloudCrowd:

1. Login to your facebook account
2. Click
3. scroll till the right click " Allow Access "
4. Select Join Up
5. Fill your data correctly
6. After the joining process is completed, you can start working on assignment or "test" it first.
7. Select the Available work for your tasks
8. Be careful in doing their duty

Click on the "EARN MONEY NOW" it will bring you to the Summery site as below:-



Amount Awaiting Payment:$.00Amount Pending Approval:$.00Earnings this month:$.00




see all

Click on the "My Crowds" you can find your referral link to refer friends to earn as well. Below is the available program under Cloudcrowd.

Available Programs

Each of these programs gives you a different way to earn.

** You can only get a personal referral code by registering with CloudCrowd through Facebook and then activating the EditZen program under the 'My Crowds' tab.

P/s ; I just start with this program will post my earning if available. ^_^ enjoy learning!!

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